Helping the Rare and Undiagnosed

For Care-Givers and Patient Organizations
​Through Targeted Tutoring we can work with interested parties to:
Interpret complex scientific literature, breaking down jargon and identifying the most relevant insights
Build confidence in navigating new concepts and unfamiliar terminology
Absorb knowledge through customized mediums including scientific papers, YouTube videos, conference talks, etc.
Ask the right questions to advance their understanding
Direct them to additional experts and resources in the field
Produce summaries of scientific articles for patient audiences
To build a more inclusive program, we have a 30% pro bono commitment.

For Companies
For companies who align with our mission, we can provide literature reviews, white papers, and/or scientific consulting.
For Whole Communities
We launch specific initiatives to address challenges and gaps in a highly collaborative fashion.
Please see
We envision a world in which diagnosis for people with rare diseases is less arduous and we think the R69 code for "illness unspecified" could be leveraged to formally identify when someone has an uncertain diagnosis and that then follow-up action can take place to make the path to diagnose a bit straighter.
Looking forward to hearing from you, please reach out over email